211 Alameda County is your one-stop for 24/7 access to housing, healthcare, disaster relief, and more. Our free and simple three-digit telephone number connects callers in Alameda County with a live Community Resource Specialist (CRS) to resources including affordable housing, job training, childcare, legal assistance, emergency shelter, food, transportation, etc. Dial 2-1-1 to speak with a CRS. Confidential help is available in over 300 languages.
You can get started finding help by searching our comprehensive portal of resources below.
News: The Free & Discounted Transfers Pilot Program will become available with the launch of the Next Generation of Bay Area Clipper next year on all 22 agencies.
Interested parties in Sequoia Grove must sign up for the Habitat for Humanity Homeownership Program and qualify for it before entering a lottery to purchase a Sequoia Grove home. To get started, go online here:
Apply for Low Income Housing | Habitat for Humanity EBSV
Habitat East Bay/Silicon Valley partners with people to achieve their dream of homeownership. Begin your pre-application...
Don’t have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)? Want to learn more about securing one and claiming your tax credits? Visit http://caleitc4me.org/i-am-anitin-holder for more information. #OCPSC
The Merritt & Laney College Children's Center is currently accepting applications for this school year!
For more information and to apply, SCAN the QR code on the flyer or go to the link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJaxYXsrPVBqcZfLvR2DP8lYbUKDcLJEgQzkrZXg2nVTnNHg/viewform