211 Alameda County is your one-stop for 24/7 access to housing, healthcare, disaster relief, and more. Our free and simple three-digit telephone number connects callers in Alameda County with a live Community Resource Specialist (CRS) to resources including affordable housing, job training, childcare, legal assistance, emergency shelter, food, transportation, etc. Dial 2-1-1 to speak with a CRS. Confidential help is available in over 300 languages.
You can get started finding help by searching our comprehensive portal of resources below.
Today at the library, make seed bombs with wild flower seeds at the Eastmont Branch, learn ASL during sign language storytime at the Temescal Branch, and try out a yoga class at the Main Library.
Sports are back at the coliseum!!! The @oaklandrootssc
roots play their home opener this Saturday March 22 at 7 pm.
Here are a few #throwbackthursday photos of the Coliseum from the BART archives, including our personal fav view: The Coliseum BART Bridge before Mount Davis!
Are you and your loved ones prepared for a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)? @PGE4Me may need to turn off power as a last resort to ensure public safety when there's a wildfire risk. People with Access and Functional Needs living in high-risk areas can call 211 to prepare.
#CAvsHate is a non-emergency reporting system designed to support individuals and communities targeted for hate. Your report is confidential and can be made anonymously, regardless of immigration status. Together, we can make California a more inclusive and safer place for all.